

“To create unified, healthy, and safe towns through community collaboration”


Neighborhood Connections to Health is a platform for the Freehold Borough community to come together, in hopes to one day serve all of Monmouth County.

Our blueprint for action is the umbrella and the root of our work, keeping us focused on improving health for ALL who live in Freehold Borough.

Build community partnerships to connect all Freehold residents to healthy living.


Thank you to our volunteers!

THANK YOU to our AMAZING volunteers! With your support, we are able to do so much to uplift and serve the Freehold Community. A special thanks to those who have been by our side during our Mobile Food Pantries, Freehold Intergenerational Community Kitchen, Health Fairs, Vaccination Clinics, Farmer’s Market Voucher Program, Freehold Intergenerational Community Council (FICC), HealthCARES Advisory Council, Committee Meetings, Board Meetings, and much more! In addition, many of you also volunteer with our partner organizations. I think we speak for many in saying that your selflessness is heroic and we are truly grateful.

Interested in becoming an NCTH volunteer? Sign up HERE and our team will reach out to you!


Thank you to our amazing community volunteers. You make such an impact in Freehold! Neighborhood Connections to Health is incredibly grateful for your support.

In addition to our residents and local volunteers, visit our partners page to learn about all of our supporters.

For other Coronavirus (COVID-19) questions, residents can call the health experts at the NJ Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.